Bridle foil for nacra 5.8
- Rank: Lubber
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These are not easy to get. I had Rick Bliss at New England catamarans order one for my 6.0 from Europe. Shipping was expensive but I also ordered a second for a friends 5.5 to split the shipping. Check with Rick.
He was planning to order an extra for his stock on the same order about 2 years ago. You might get lucky
and he will have one. What is wrong with yours? Mine was pretty badly corroded under the center fitting.
I made an aluminum plate and slipped it inside the foil and then riveted the center fitting to this plate. Was happy enough with the repair that I eventually sold my new foil extrusion and just used the repaired foil.
Pete Knapp
Schodack landing,NY
Goodall Viper,AHPC Viper,Nacra I20
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Note the 5.8 is still being produced in Australia, being their biggest catamaran class.
Frankentri 5.8/5.5/Inter20
Aerow trimaran foiler
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Or, you could always go back to the original configuration. That boat is still plenty powerful w/o the bridal foil Norte Merica setup
You may be able to get one from OZ, but it is not going to be cheap
John Schwartz
Ventura, CA
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You could probably go with the old style forestay and use a short spin pole with a strut (think P-19 MX) and run the big jib very cheaply and pretty easily. -
- Rank: Lubber
- Registered: Nov 14, 2005
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Thanks to all
the boat l have is an 88 so came with standard bridle. Thought the foil would improve performance. I am looking for a newer 5.8 So far no success I like the simple rig. -
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People ask about these bridal foils often here on thebeachcats.
Someone should try to duplicate the pieces and offer them for sale.
I appreciate there is exacting engineering required, and selling it in a kit with "Use at Your Own Risk" on the order form would be required.
The extrusion length could be varied on order to fit specific cats, or a range of cats.
Just my $0.02.
Sheet In!
Prindle 18-2 #244 "Wakizashi"
Prindle 16 #3690 "Pegasus" Sold (sigh)
AZ Multihull Fleet 42 member
(Way) Past Commodore of Prindle Fleet 14
Arizona, USA
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even better, i could make them out of carbon. How much are the australians/euros asking for the aluminum ones? -
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sailing guru Malcolm Stitt(Tornado) opined when we set up my N5.SL that the only injury he ever suffered while on a cat involved the bridal foil! i repaired mine before giving that cat away last Sept, perhaps you could rig one up, but unless you race its not a necessity -
- Rank: Lubber
- Registered: Nov 23, 2019
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Stirring the pot here:
The bridle foil used on a Nacra 6.0 (and I assume other 5.8 boats) was the aluminum extrusion from a spreader for a mast. You can buy a similar (or the same extrusion) from various mast manufacturers. The purpose of introducing the bridle foil was to accommodate a larger jib introduction without adding more buckling force to the bows. Are you refitting your boat with a larger jib? If not, why add weight and complexity? Are you moving your jibs sheets back to accommodate a larger jib? One of the reasons I moved on from the 6.0 NA to the Inter 20 was my loathing of the bridle foil.
If you are talking about a carbon bridle foil- you will have to design the laminate and determine if you will prebend it or leave it flat.
Look at the jib setup on the Nacra Carbon 20. A similar effect of reducing hull bow buckling is achieved by running a high set of bridles that carry most of the rig tension and a second lower set of bridles and a compression rod between the 2 bridles. The low bridles only need to keep the bottom portion of the jib in line with the forestay and do not pull on the hulls as hard. This configuration is more efficient, less weight & windage than the old bridle foils. The compression strut seems to be the same extrusion used on the diamond wire spreaders.
Inter 20
Southern Maine
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