I am new here and to Cat sailing/buying as well.(Forum posting too)
I live in New Hampshire and will be sailing the coast and maybe some fresh water lakes in the area.
Looking at a Nacra 5.0 tomorrow afternoon and don't want to miss some obvious major flaw that a newb such as myself could easily over look.
example maybe: this was in a post "I knew to rotate the mast before dropping it to avoid bending the dolphin striker but somehow ended up bending it anyways." post name was, Nacra 5.0 mast ball height.
The seller bought it in April of this year, sailed it over the summer and loved it, capsized once could not right it himself and now is very happy with his neighbors, now his Hobie 14. Selling it for that reason.
The boat was dry docked when not in use and sails stored inside.
Here are some of the things I asked over the phone.
Hulls: any repairs damage water logged or leaky?
Minor repair on transom, no damage, not water logging, did say he had water in 1 hull but he had forgot to put drain plugs in 1 time and may have been left over from that, not sure of time frame.
rigging last replace...he has not and was not sure about previous owner
rudders ok...yup
sails look good in pictures for 1985
Trailer road worthy...yes
Any help or pointers would be awesome...but I will probably buy it anyway.
Thank you,
P.S. I have bought 4 sailboats since mid July...I may have a problem :)
2 1972 Sunfish...lots of fun
didn't know they should not weigh 280lbs. apiece (winter project}
1 Laser Bug to small to slow (sold it)
1 hobie one 12 special edition
hull was never in the water (I was told) very new looking
Everything was still vacuum sealed.
Got it home and there was a little bit of stuff rattling around inside the hull...possible delamination?
Although the guy told me he patched a couple dings that where from moving it around over the years,
I think he drilled a couple holes and tried pouring in some epoxy to fix the delamination.
I tapped (banged) around the hull a bit and may have found some soft spots, now there is quite a bit more rattling. (winter project #2 maybe) I can't see cutting a hole in or splitting such a beautiful looking boat so I may run it until it creates its own hole.
New Hampshire
nacra 5.0
Buying a 1985 Nacra 5.0 (most likely)
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Based on your username I’d say it’s a taken decision..
Many of these old (85 maybe not too bad) boats’ hulls break near the front beam after years of stress. If you see wrinkles or cracks on the inside near the front beam it’s a good reason to open and repair or strengthen. My former 5.0 had loose stringers inside and could have broken any day. My current 5.5 had some signs of it which someday became worse and I had to repair addIng inspection ports because I couldn’t open the upper part. Easy to repair and may save they boat. Worth checking even for peace of mind. Not easy to check without opening. -
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Thank you for the advice that is exactly the kind of thing I am looking for.
My name I guess I thought it could be changed.
Hate typing on my phone so I"m going to end it there.
Thanks again
New Hampshire
nacra 5.0
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I am the new happy owner of a Nacra 5.0!
The area of the hulls by the front beam looked and felt great. Thx again for the pointer Andinista.
The hulls are solid as far as I could tell...there are some cracks in the gelcoat near the forestay bridle attachment point and the port stay attachment point on the port hull but the hull did seem solid in those areas.
I plan to disassemble her for the winter and bring her into the shop once the weather goes. Not far off :( .
I'll look the hulls over real good and probable grind and fix any cracks in the gelcoat to see how deep they go, then make a decision on inspection ports.
Everything else looked great...time will tell all.
Anyone have suggestions on forums for sailboat/catamaran maintenance and or repair?
New Hampshire
nacra 5.0
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This is the best forum going, IMO. Read, read and read: sail, sail and sail!
Great boat, I love mine.
Nacra 5.0
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Congratulations! Time to share some pictures now?
That’s common, it shouldn’t be a problem. -
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Gel oat cracks are quite common in that area, along with the shroud attach points. My 5.7 also has quite a few around the rudder gudgeons.
The saying, “ let sleeping dogs lie” is good advice. Do not go grinding into those hairline cracks. You will open a can of worms & wake angry dogs.
You will be able to press on the sides of those hulls, & feel some movement. The early all glass hulls will show some oil canning, very evident when climbing onto the side hull after flipping the boat. This is not a flaw, it’s just inherent in the layup of those hulled. Later years, with foam coring were stiffer.
Change the standing rigging, maybe some lines, the rudder bungees & go sailing.
Download the user manuals, (two of them), from this site, they’re hidden under Technical Help.
You will find the 5.0 is a bit undercanvassed in light air, it really likes the days of 15+ knots.
The boat is tough, resists pitchpole, simple to rig, & if you have kids around or sail shallow waters, you will love the no boards, no boom design.
Unless you are a real heavyweight, get a righting bag. The 5.0 takes about the same effort as the larger 5.7 to right. If the wind is 20, I can self right ,(170lbs), but on slower days, you need some extra help.
If you solo a lot, invest in roller furling, that’s the best thing you will do on almost any Cat.
Edited by Edchris177 on Sep 28, 2020 - 08:30 AM.
Hobie 18 Magnum
Dart 15
Mystere 6.0XL Sold Was a handful solo
Nacra 5.7
Nacra 5.0
Bombardier Invitation (Now officially DEAD)
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there is a great website called thebeachcats.com.
if you search there, there are LOTS of advice on fiberglass, epoxy, paint, and other repair topics :)
catsailors.com site has great data too - but i think some of it was lost in bad backups or something - not sure. that site is no longer active but Damon (and I) saved the site from just being shut down as an effort to save the decades of knowledge that is in that forum from highly experienced sailors. (whomare mostly old and fatand don't sail cats anymore :) )
the sailing anarchy site has a good forum and lots of boat builders, but they LOVE to beat people up on that site/forum so tread lightly or wear your thick skin over there: if you ask a dumb question they will let you know
hobie forums are pretty good too but not the place for nacra specific advice (although lots of the info would transfer)
besides that - there are a lot of forums that discuss boat repair in general -
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MN3 I should have worded that differently, I'm sure this site will be a treasure trove of info for me and thanks for listing some more site and the warnings, can't promise I won't ask dumb questions but I can put on my thick skin suit.
Thanks Shawn
Adinista Thank you...picture coming as soon as I figure out how to attach some.
Edchris177 Thanks for the advice I'll leave angry dogs alone.
Would this have all the wires I need? NACRA 5.0 WIRE RIGGING SET WHITE NEW from Salty Dog Marine.
It only has 2 trapeze can I add 2 more?
I had her out today the wind was light but kicked up to a little under 15 for a bit. Fun fun fun but I have a lot of practice to do (lots of reading over the winter).
Update on the possible leaky hull... It leaks :{
Starboard side around 2 to 3 feet back she was dripping, no visible hole or crack after quick inspection, I'll take a better look later this week.
Drained all the water out on a hill while lifting the bow, maybe 4 gallons came out.
I was out with 1 other person for about 4 hours most of that in fairly light conditions.
New Hampshire
nacra 5.0
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Get your cat lifted up, onto blocks, trailer etc. Then lightly pressurize that hull. take a bucket of soapy water & mop the hull, you'll see where the leak is.
I cobbled this up, for $1, to pressurize a leaky 5.0 hull. Turned out to be the actual drain plug fitting. MY 5.7 had a leak where the previous owner did a really crappy fix. A couple PSI & soapy water made finding the leak very easy.
The good news is even if it is leaking at the skeg due to a split, its a technically easy fix.
Hobie 18 Magnum
Dart 15
Mystere 6.0XL Sold Was a handful solo
Nacra 5.7
Nacra 5.0
Bombardier Invitation (Now officially DEAD)
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Congrats and welcome to the 5.0 owners association
You will love the 5.0. Superior to a Hobie 16 in every way IMO (no flame war please).
Here is another place to find kindred souls:
If you need parts and can't find them in the US try here:
Ed's method is good, another way to pressurize and avoid overpressurizing (which can damage your hull) is to plumb in the exhaust of a shop vac. Noisy but it maintains the pressure for as long as you like.
Hobie 16 (3 formerly)
MacGregor 25 (formerly)
Chrysler Dagger 14 (formerly)
NACRA 5.0 (currently)
High Point, NC
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If it turns out you have hole near the skeg, (as I did in the 5.7 photo), don’t go to the effort of pulling off a deck.
Simply grind out the damage, fairing the glass removal away from the Center.
You can see how I did it in the photo.
Next lay up 3 layers of cloth, & using a needle pull a piece of string through in two places,(again as per photo. I used a bit of SS wire cause it was handy, but string would be better, easier to cut off flush).
Mix a wee bit of resin, add some thickener & wet the cloth. Let it just begin to kick off, then fold it into a taco shell shape.
Wipe some fresh resin around the perimeter, on the inside of the hole,(wipe down with acetone first to clean it up), insert your “taco”. Let it open flat, then use the string & a small weight to hold it in place. Thus goes easier if you flip the hull so gravity helps lay the patch flat. Let it set up at least a few hours.
Then add a couple layers of wetted cloth on the outside, laying a larger piece, the size of your grind out against the hull, then a couple progressively smaller pieces.
That will now be the strongest part of the hull.
Hobie 18 Magnum
Dart 15
Mystere 6.0XL Sold Was a handful solo
Nacra 5.7
Nacra 5.0
Bombardier Invitation (Now officially DEAD)
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Be damned sure you don’t rig the hose directly to the drain port. A shop vac can supply 5-10PSI...that is too much.
Either have a hole in the hose to bleed pressure, or don’t affix the hose right to the hull.
Hobie 18 Magnum
Dart 15
Mystere 6.0XL Sold Was a handful solo
Nacra 5.7
Nacra 5.0
Bombardier Invitation (Now officially DEAD)
Various other Dock cluttering WaterCrap
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- Rank: Lubber
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Cool I figured out how to do a quote.
I hit submit by mistake.
Salty Dog on ebay set #360511 5.0 nacra is that the best place to purchase the standing rigging? Doesn't look like it come with the bridle though.
For the life of me I cannot find the manuals here.
I looked at the serial number and it is a 1983 not 85, should the title of this thread be changed/ is it possible?
How Do I do an image?
New Hampshire
nacra 5.0
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They’re in “Albums” technical, about 3rd page from the END. Damon used to have a single file to download the entire manual as a PDF. I only see the one as a PDF.
PM me with an email addy & I’ll send them to you.
Edited by Edchris177 on Sep 30, 2020 - 07:56 PM.
Hobie 18 Magnum
Dart 15
Mystere 6.0XL Sold Was a handful solo
Nacra 5.7
Nacra 5.0
Bombardier Invitation (Now officially DEAD)
Various other Dock cluttering WaterCrap
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I was getting close, just thought to look in albums I was on page 3.
Thank you I'll PM ya.
New Hampshire
nacra 5.0
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Go to the top of the page, & look under FAQ.
Hobie 18 Magnum
Dart 15
Mystere 6.0XL Sold Was a handful solo
Nacra 5.7
Nacra 5.0
Bombardier Invitation (Now officially DEAD)
Various other Dock cluttering WaterCrap
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