You should consider a Nacra 500 as well. They've been making them since around 2000 I think, and they have substantial improvements over the 5.0. I sailed one for 10 years and there is very little I would change on it.
Bill Townsend
G-Cat 5.0
Buying a 1985 Nacra 5.0 (most likely)
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I already purchased the 5.0 and plan to sail the hulls off it and learn lots along the way.
When I am ready to move on to a better, newer, maybe bigger cat I think there is a good chance it will be another nacra, they are beautiful looking boats.
New Hampshire
nacra 5.0
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Enjoy the free space on the hulls and trampoline, it's one of the nice things of the N5.0. If you haven't tried a different cat you might not be aware of that, watch closely other boats with daggerboards, it limits the area where the crew can sit on the hull and move fore/aft to balance the cat. The 4-way jib system across the tramp also interferes.
The cost of that is it doesn't point as high and is a bit harder to tack. It's important to avoid being too much on the "back seat" with the bows up, have them cut the water (careful with pitchpoles on stronger wind). You may find at some point that the jib angle is a bit too open, some people don't mind or don't notice that, I prefer to have a simple system to move the jib block inwards, between the hull and the foot straps on the tramp. You may just tie a non stretching line side to side with two or three pre-set loops to attach the blocks. Dyneema ideally becasue the more it stretches the more it interferes on the tramp.
Edited by Andinista on Oct 01, 2020 - 06:56 PM. -
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A friend of mine has a Hobie 16 and I went for a cruise with him a few months back, I was crew on that trip.
It was blowing 20+ I believe, he said we came very close to pitchpoling 1 time, it was a lot of fun. I have had the Nacra 5.0 out once so far with my sister and brother as crew 2 separate trips(they both fought to keep the lines for the jib from hanging up on the mast), that trip I was the guy steering the boat (helmsman?). That was a blast with light winds picking up to 10 maybe 15 a few times.
It was my brother and I on the first run, we didn't get far from shore and the steering was locking up intermittently, I told him oh boy we are screwed then it was fine for a while, long story short, if you have the crossbar in the wrong orientation the U brackets at each end lock the steering. That's going away this winter.
Oh yeah, when I came in to get my sister I was told we where sitting to far back by an old timer who was taking his mono hull out for a spin, we adjusted to bring the bows down like you said.
With my small amount of time on a trampoline I do like the space on the 5.0, I do wish I could relocate the pulley cleat setup for the jib to be more like the Hobie though, not sure it is possible with the jib clew being so much further aft of the mast than the Hobie (I think it is anyways). I'm not sure that everything is rigged properly, I now know the the pulleys for the jib do not attach directly to the jib clew but have a small piece rope that do the job.
Looking forward to learning about the boat, the rigging and catamarans all together this winter.
Edited by ed-nacra-5.0 on Oct 01, 2020 - 10:09 PM.
New Hampshire
nacra 5.0
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I had that too, it's a bit painful, it's because the U brackets can rotate against each other, I ended up getting the right part, different one for each side:
Not possible without cutting the jib. The N500 has the jib blocks on the front beam, a shorter jib but the main is square top, perhaps compensates for the smaller jib. Not sure it's worth to modify the jib on the N5.0. I think you first have to know your boat before modifying it anyway.
Good luck! -
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Get about 5’ of 3/8” or 5/16” bungee & make a preventer. Tie one end to the end if the V brace bat, then lead the bungee through the bottom of the diamond wire attachment-around the front of the mast- through the other side diamond wire attachment-tie off at the opposite end of the an brace bar.
That will prevent the lines from snagging on the mast base. I don't have a good photo, but you can see the idea here.(click on the photo to enlarge it full size).
Look for what looks like an inverted V, with the apex at the mast.
it is also in the NACRA manual, here,
You've discovered how to lock up the steering. If you are on a tight budget, or just to get sailing this seson, just take a short piece of galvanized wired & wrap it around the portio you dont want to rotate
Its a bit Hillbilly, but takes 5 minutes & costs 50 cents. I got the idea from a poster here years ago. I've been meaning to change it to the expensive part each winter, honest...
Edited by Edchris177 on Oct 02, 2020 - 11:40 AM.
Hobie 18 Magnum
Dart 15
Mystere 6.0XL Sold Was a handful solo
Nacra 5.7
Nacra 5.0
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You want that small piece of rope to be the longest possible making sure it allows to fully tension the jib. It saves 4 times the length of one side of that line on the jib sheet, which means less mess on the tramp. -
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Thank you for the help.
I think I get the routing of the jib sheet jam preventer and with the rudder cross bar I will get the right part over the winter but if I get a chance to go out again this season it will be the hillbilly fix until then.
Could I put a snap shackle in the middle of it to attach to the jib?
New Hampshire
nacra 5.0
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Yes, you can do this. however, in very light wind, I mean the kind where you stayed out too long, & dont want to paddle home, any extra weight hanging on the clew is detrimental.
If your reasoning for the snap shackle is to leave the jib lines strung, & speed up attaching the jib, just make a soft shackle from a piece of thin line, something like Spyderline.
Unfortunately, this is the best photo I have. This setup I used on a 20' x 10' beast, I would use thinner line on a smaller Cat.
It's shaped like an X, two arms of the X tie to the jib blocks. the other two, one is simply a loop, the other ends in a monkey fist.
Simply slide the loop slightly through the clew, then put the monkey fist into the loop, & pull the loop snug. It won't let go, but is easily released with cold fingers.
Hobie 18 Magnum
Dart 15
Mystere 6.0XL Sold Was a handful solo
Nacra 5.7
Nacra 5.0
Bombardier Invitation (Now officially DEAD)
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Monkey fist...A new knot to practice, love it!
So line diameter is not important it's the strength that matters or should the dia. be the radius of the grommet for a snug fit?
Thanks for info.
New Hampshire
nacra 5.0
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Where you able to fix the leaking hull.
I have a similar problem got about 3 gallons of water after sailing a few hours in one of the hulls but
don't see anywhere it could have got in.
I did capsize, but both ports seemed to be sealed.
I don't understand how you pressurize the hulls with air.
Do you put the air hose in one of the ports (how tight should the seal be for the air hose)and then brush with soapy water?
The boat is super fast and fun but I am now regretting getting it due to this problem. The hulls seem solid.
Is this a problem with all old nacra 5.0 and 5.7 boats? -
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Here is a thread with information on pressure testing your hulls.
Pete Knapp
Schodack landing,NY
Goodall Viper,AHPC Viper,Nacra I20
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Almost all older Cats leak somewhat.
Put a cap of silicone sealant on each rivet head on the tramp tracks. Leave one rivet unsealed so pressure equalizes with temperatures changes.
I think I have a post on the above link. There should be a live link in that post.
Or, go to Albums- Technical. Look for Pressure Tester
I put a short album on an easy, & safe pressure tester you can build for a $.
Get a bucket of soapy water, pump a bit of pressure into the hull & mop soapy water, you will find the Leah quickly. Don’t forget to check the drain plugs, that’s where ours was leaking.
Those hulls are solid fibreglass, easy to repair if it’s holed.
Edited by Edchris177 on Sep 08, 2021 - 10:01 PM.
Hobie 18 Magnum
Dart 15
Mystere 6.0XL Sold Was a handful solo
Nacra 5.7
Nacra 5.0
Bombardier Invitation (Now officially DEAD)
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Did your plugs leaked or the area around the plugs? rivets hull.
Fiberglass work does not seem easy unless you have the know how and tools.
im hopint the boat leaked from the ports after the capsize but ill test it later using the ballon pump.
thanks for the advise again.
Did the hulls on new 5.7 leak in 1984.
anyone know where to find details on the constructiom of the original boat?
curious on how they were built. how many people were needed to produce a hull etc? -
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Edchris this site should pay you to be a member.
Once again your advise has helped me. I found the leak on my hull immediately
I used a balloon pump in the drain and soapy water. The soap water was making bubbles out of the forward port
I am pretty happy and this is all I can find. It will be pretty easy to seal the port area with silicone. Ill take it out again and see how much water i bring back this weekend.
Thanks again!