I have a Hobie 18' does anyone have any diagrams for rigging?
I'm especially curious about rigging the Trapeze wires. It looks like I need shock, does anyone know the lengths needed?
rigging for the first time
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dont know your year..maybe this will help. Ronstan.com is a good source for part info as well. -
- Rank: Master Chief
- Registered: Jun 20, 2006
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pictures of how i used to rig my hobie 18 can be seen here
http://www.metalfree.com/a/cat/indexe.asp - http://www.metalfree.com/a/cat/indexe.asp
As per the shock cord: it went from a hole in the deck lid
(around the dagger board) to the stern of the boat.. so i
will assume that is around 7' or 8'of cord. you want as much
cord as possilbe (without it having ANY slop in it) so it gives
you more cord to pull on when you need to get to the back beam
while on the wire, or when you PETER PAN (come to an abrupt stop
and FLY around the front of the boat).
PS my trap rings (the ring that attaches to the harness) are
not set up the best way in the picture. They work, but there
is a better way to set them. The side that does not have the
ring attached to... should have a knot in it... and that is
what attaches to the bungie. This way the ring will be pulled
UP at from the tention of the bungie and is less prone to
unclip (from the downward pull) while it is being used.
This does cause the ring to flap around and become an eye/tooth
hazard so there are also clever ways to secure that.. but
lets not get to complicated yet.
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