I'm concerned about the one chain plate to hull junction, the blisters, is that tramp rip repairable, the cracking on the corner of the deck in the one blister photo? I like that it has wing seats, but I might look at modifying the geometry..
Wish it wasn't sitting uncovered for the last few years. Said the hull plugs were pulled for storage and that there was water inside when he lifted the end. I like parts of what I see.. dolphin striker area looks good, and that bridle foil thing means it's an NA correct?
Thoughts?! Thanks in advance for any help!
Looking at this Nacra 5.8 Tomorrow, please help me out!
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Also, it's an 87, apparently built by Catalina?
And sorry for the double thread, there was some "ajax error" on the first one. -
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I've never been patient buying boats but always end up wishing I had. Good luck with your search. -
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Where abouts are you? That ask price of $2800 is $CDN. If he wants to sell, $2000, (or even lower if he really want it gone)is bid, (
Edited by Edchris177 on Apr 27, 2021 - 01:02 AM.
Hobie 18 Magnum
Dart 15
Mystere 6.0XL Sold Was a handful solo
Nacra 5.7
Nacra 5.0
Bombardier Invitation (Now officially DEAD)
Various other Dock cluttering WaterCrap
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Above post did not take full text, & editing doesn’t work...
Where abouts are you? That ask price of $2800 is $CDN. If he wants to sell, $2000, (or even lower if he really want it gone)is bid, (
Hobie 18 Magnum
Dart 15
Mystere 6.0XL Sold Was a handful solo
Nacra 5.7
Nacra 5.0
Bombardier Invitation (Now officially DEAD)
Various other Dock cluttering WaterCrap
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I don’t know what’s refuses to take my full post...I’ll try again when I get to Vancouver this morning.
Edited by Edchris177 on Apr 27, 2021 - 01:31 AM. -
- Rank: Chief
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Where abouts are you? That ask price of $2800 is $CDN. If he wants to sell, $2000, or even lower if he really want it gone. That’s only $1500 USD.
The tag in the tramp looks like Sunrise, the best Nacra tramp I’ve had. It looks like it could use restitching.
All the legacy Nacras see those cracks near the chain plates. Where the tangs come out is a very tight fit, even a bit of flexing cracks the gelcote. My 5.7 is way worse, & we sail the hell out of it. The small cracks near the blister are also of little significance.
All used boats need some new lines, but it’s surprising what a pre soak in hot water/Oxyclean, then tossed in the wash will do.
That boat has the same decks, jib blocks & tracks as my N5.7. They leak water into the hulls, (Tofino is big rain area), because the rivets are hollow, & the decks direct rain onto the jib tracks. I put a tiny dab of silicone on each rivet, except for the 1st one,(to allow the hull to equalize pressure changes), then park the boat bow up.
If you dig wings, they are $$$, hard to find for an H18, even rarer for the bigger Cats. I had a Mystere 6.0XL,(20x10), with customized H21 wings, the previous owner spent nearly a grand on them. Wing tramps are nearly as costly as a main tramp, there’s quite a bit of material.
If the wing tramps are in decent shape, you are getting a fairly pricy option.
Even though stored outside, Tofino is not a high UV area, not like the SW USA of Florida climes.
All in, with wings, trailer & box, a negotiated price is a decent deal for what your getting.
Edited by Edchris177 on Apr 27, 2021 - 04:11 PM.
Hobie 18 Magnum
Dart 15
Mystere 6.0XL Sold Was a handful solo
Nacra 5.7
Nacra 5.0
Bombardier Invitation (Now officially DEAD)
Various other Dock cluttering WaterCrap
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Thanks for this reply. I am on the island so the convenience is worth something. I passed on the boat and found another one in Alberta that looks new in comparison, just a beauty, but it doesn't have a trailer and the cost of fuel, ferry and trailer put it just out of my price range.. so I'm back to considering it again.
To me the dimensions of these wings don't look right.. like they should be a little further off the boat, and more parallel in angle to the deck. What do you guys think?
He cleaned the boat and updated the pics in the ad. I'm going to try and see if local beach cat guy will meet me there to have a look at it.
The wings are unfinished, no tramps/nets.
Edited by allthewayne on Apr 29, 2021 - 04:04 AM. -
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The wings are useless, you can as well hike directly off the boat. Correctly designed wings should give the same righting moment as if you are using trapeze. They also seem heavy.
I have both a 5.5 and a 5.8 none of them looks that ugly around the chain plates.
Without having seen the sails hoisted, the image indicates they are old originals that need to to be replaced.
Don´t buy that wreck. It will cost a lot to make it sailable.
Take a look at the modern version
Edited by revintage on Apr 29, 2021 - 12:44 PM.
Frankentri 5.8/5.5/Inter20
Aerow trimaran foiler
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Don't trust any boat that has been sitting around for several years with water in the hulls.
Bill Townsend
G-Cat 5.0
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Yeah, buying a trailer, & two ferry rides adds up. Do you plan to store mast up? If so perhaps you could borrow a trailer for the retrieve, there are some Cat clubs around Jericho, & I’m sure others.
Condition of sails is a big factor., & could make the Alberta boat better in the end.
I wouldn’t get wound up about the angle of the wings, do the math, the extra righting moment from a slightly lowered wing is not worth thinking about. Having them slightly elevated can be a good thing, my H18 will easily drag a wing in the water as the boat heels.
As for righting moment, if you want to trap off the wings,(can get rather frightening in higher winds), you need the longer hiking stik, & possibly longer than stock wires. Running the bungees is not straightforward, they rub on the wings. I went to a single trap on the H18, just so people who want to try it can. Often they just sit in the wing, & let the harness support them as they lean somewhat back.
One additional hazard, when you flip,you have to jump clear. If you simply fall across the tramp, you hit the wing, & that can hurt.
Much depends on your intended sailing use, & your personal circumstances.
If you’re not into racing,(most classes won’t accept wings), wings rock. When we were younger my wife & I enjoyed hanging on the wire. As I got older, & especially when doing multiple hour trips, (which could be common on the island), wings kept it enjoyable, even on light days, they make a comfortable backrest. On sunny slow days, crew simply stretch out on them.
If they are aluminum, they are not heavier than my factory Hobie wings, & really, these legacy boats are always going to be heavier than the new models, in the end an extra 20lbs won’t make a difference to your top speed. That will be more influenced by the condition of the sails, & the skippers skill.
You need to factor in wing tramps, they are about the cost of a main tramp. Don’t go with nets, ever seen a fish caught via netting? Your butt will look like that fish. I sailed on a Tall Ship, out of Arlie Beach, Australia, it was older than the Titanic. We all thought the nets from the bow sprit would be a cool place to relax. It was, for about 5 minutes!
IMHO, the chain plate cracks are minor- I’ll post a photo of our 5.7. If these are ugly, mine look like a disaster, yet we double trap two grown men in winds that move us at 23mph.
You may want to factor in the cost of new standing rigging, I assume being in Tofino, it’s a salt water boat, though the season is probably short, unless he has dry suits.
Keep us posted on your decision.
Edited by Edchris177 on Apr 29, 2021 - 09:24 PM.
Hobie 18 Magnum
Dart 15
Mystere 6.0XL Sold Was a handful solo
Nacra 5.7
Nacra 5.0
Bombardier Invitation (Now officially DEAD)
Various other Dock cluttering WaterCrap
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One other item about these boats. Inspect the foil for the forestay very closely.
Hopefully Phillip, (Mummp) will chime in, IIRC he has lots of experience sailing, & racing this model.
I recall posts a few years ago about cracked foils, & that they were nearly impossible to find spares.
Hobie 18 Magnum
Dart 15
Mystere 6.0XL Sold Was a handful solo
Nacra 5.7
Nacra 5.0
Bombardier Invitation (Now officially DEAD)
Various other Dock cluttering WaterCrap
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Thanks for the invite Edchris . . .
Allthewayne, the 5.8NA is an awesome boat, but . . . . I would pass on this one. Without going into a lot of details, I agree with Lars and traphappy. But, probably not convenient to you but there was a recent listing here on a 6.0 which was an awesome deal.
EdChris is on point regarding the bridal foil and more important, daggerboards, or lack of them. Few exist. I've bought them all up through the years.
You should expect to throw money at this rig if you get it.
You can also learn a lot about the 5.8 if you go to my album.
. . . and you won't hear from me much for the next few weeks since I'm sailing a yacht in the Caribbean
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Really appreciate everyone's input. The beater sold today, just before my buddy was going to go check it out. I'm thinking it was for the best.
I haven't let go of the idea of the Alberta boat. It's just in such nice shape, with a furler and new sails. Trying to convince a buddy to partner on it.
Here's the pics I have:
My plans for the boat are to single hand it when the winds permit, go out with a friend when I can find one and the wind is up, and take friends and their kids out for a "cruise" around the lake or to the some local islands when the weather is right. I like that the boat has a furler for this type of stuff. Can tone things down easily if required.
More specifically, my purpose for the boat is to begin training for a single handed R2AK beach cat effort. Yes, I am that guy. Yes, I am retarded. No, you can't talk me out of it.
I need to get really good at multi-hull sailing in general, and I think this is a good place to start. My ideal boat for the task is a modern T, but they are too much $ for me right now.. and the 5.8 sounds much more forgiving, versatile and less of a pain in the ass to trailer sail with the "normal" beam. I will be seeking mast up storage, but don't have it right now. Once I've got things dialed and semi-mastered on a the 5.8 I'll decide what to do next. I think the 5.8 could actually be a great boat to attempt the race on with it's higher volume hulls, I just want more beam. If I love it enough I could look at extending them.. or maybe just be satisfied with wings.. but I could be best to start with a boat that was designed with 10ft beams from the get go, and a spin, and self tacker, and 100lbs lighter, aka Tornado. They're just not as robust, or forgiving from what I've read anyway.
I know how ridiculous this sounds, so please be gentle. -
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In the classified section (around pg 9) there is a 5.8. It does not shown as sold. Asking $3,000
below is the copied information from the ad. (no, it's not my boat).
Late model Nacra 5.8
Widened to 11.5 feet
F18 spinnaker with carbon retraction system
Squaretop Pentax main from whirlwind
New custom tramp from SLO canvas for wider platform
Furling jib
System setup so jib autofurls when spin halyard is pulled. Entire platform setup for singlehanding. Custom tiller setup with dual extensions so you don’t have to go to the back of the boat to tack or jibe. Mainsheet led forward so it tacks like a laser.
Single trap line with harness.
Hit 26 knots singlehanded with the chute up. Nothing else out there like it. Selling to get a boat that better fits my family which includes a 1 year old!
This is a giveaway price, I have more in just the mainsail. But I need to sell this one before I get to buy another boat! Call Isaac 616-821-three485
Brand: Nacra-ish
Model: 5.8 turbo unlimited
HIN#: 6000
City: Muskegon
State: MI
Phone Number: 6168213485 -
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Holy Shit.
It is sold, but man.. that would have been the perfect freakin boat.
Edited by allthewayne on Apr 30, 2021 - 05:51 PM. -
- Rank: Lubber
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Always available when not looking...... and sold when looking. There are some nice deals that come into the classifieds here. Good Luck.
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