This will be a "moderate distance" multihull regatta in Galveston Bay using fixed marks February 26-27.
The length and leg angles will be determined each morning based on weather. Courses can range from 6.5nm to 26nm.
Regatta Website:
Registration: https://www.regattanetwor…orm.php?regatta_id=23822
Prindle Fleet 2
Prindle 18-2 Mod "FrankenKitty"
Tornado Classic "Fast Furniture"
Prindle 19 "Mr. Wiggly"
Nacra 5.8 "De ja vu"
Nacra 5.0
Nacra 5.8
Tornadoes (Reg White)
SSC Midwinter Invitational Regatta
- Rank: Mate
- Registered: Nov 22, 2012
- Last visit: Jan 27, 2025
- Posts: 419
- Rank: Mate
- Registered: Feb 28, 2018
- Last visit: Dec 12, 2024
- Posts: 148
We have 9 boats signed up, ought to be a fun weekend.
Captain Chris Holley
Fulshear, TX
'87 Prindle 19 "¡Hijole!"
'74 sunfish "1fish"
-- -
- Rank: Mate
- Registered: Feb 28, 2018
- Last visit: Dec 12, 2024
- Posts: 148
It was BRUTALLY COLD!!!!! we left the beach at 1145 for a 1200 start and after 2 postponements we started at 1220 and sent off one 10 mile race. The temperature was a balmy 42*F. Water temps were 53*F. Wetsuits and Dry suits were the ticket for the day. The wind was out of the north east at 12-15 so chop was relatively light till we got farther out in the bay. The race was about an hour for the fastest boats and about 1.75 hours for the slowest, we had one boat drop with rudder issues and one boat lost a Jib connection and their jib came down, and finally one trampoline failed, the last 2 breakages did finish the race. Bravo Zulu to all sailors for reaching the club back safety and making smart decisions. Finally there were mass amounts of pizza consumed at Mario's Flying Pizza
Sunday's racing will be much more mild in terms of temperatures, how ever we expect to see about 3-5 kts more wind so it should be a bit more choppy, but more tolerable in terms of temperature. It will still be wetsuit weather.
We finally need to thank C&C Sailmakers of Houston, TX for providing prizes. They have generously provided 2 large duffle bags per class winning boat, and 2 medium bags per 2nd class in the non-spin fleet. Prizes are to be paid out per 3 boats in each fleet.
Standings as of yesterday,
Non-Spin Fleet
1, Tuma on Frankenkitty
2, Holley on ¡Hijole!
3, Busher on 9 Lives
4, Reynolds on NØlken
5, Bergen on Blowhard
Edited by cholley12 on Feb 27, 2022 - 08:44 AM.
Captain Chris Holley
Fulshear, TX
'87 Prindle 19 "¡Hijole!"
'74 sunfish "1fish"
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