Looking for some assistance from those familiar with the boat.
I was looking for a used tiller stick, when I noticed a Nacra 5.2 on Craiglist for $100. Not being interested in putting $4,000 into what would end of up being a $1,500 boat, I went to see it with the intention of just giving the guy $100 for the tiller stick. I found the sails in surprisingly good shape so, much to the wife's dismay, I came home with the whole boat. It's the old one, a 1978. The previous owner had some of the running rigging jacked up, so I could not count on anything being correct.
I've spent quite some time cleaning her up, replacing damaged parts, and the boat is looking really good. The only parts I want to verify I have correct are the downhauls. It appears the jib halyard runs down the mast, rather than back down the forestay like my P19. There is a block at the end of the halyard. I've got some cam cleats and blocks at the base of the mast, but they appear to be part of the main downhaul. Below is a photo reference of what I have to work with, with lines drawn of how I think this would work.
Edited by mattson on Feb 13, 2022 - 12:10 PM.
Bill Mattson
Prindle 19 "Gelli Bean"
Prindle 19 "Cat's Pajamas"
Nacra 5.2 (Will sail her a bit and let her name herself)
Nacra 5.2 Restoral - Downhauls
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Looking at this in the photo, it appears I could put a block on the fairlead where I show the line terminating, then put a block with a becket on the jib, and get another purchase. But the head of the jib is just a fabric strap so I probably don't want to go nuts here.
Bill Mattson
Prindle 19 "Gelli Bean"
Prindle 19 "Cat's Pajamas"
Nacra 5.2 (Will sail her a bit and let her name herself)
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Here is the factory manual if it helps out.
Also a bunch of pictures. Some show the bottom of the mast.
Edited by pknapp66 on Feb 13, 2022 - 02:04 PM.
Pete Knapp
Schodack landing,NY
Goodall Viper,AHPC Viper,Nacra I20
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Great find! Why not make the sail trim useful? Move the two downhaul swivels with clamcleat to each side of the mast to make it a 6:1 main cunningham. Add a triple block at the mainsail tack and another Bullet cheek block opposite of the existing.
Sorry for the low res, this is cut out from a larger image of my 5.5 before I did a Frankencat of it and changed the rig to F18:
Leave the jib downhaul as is for now, but with a Camcleat instead of the swivel, or arrange it like on your P19, not as important as the main.
Edited by revintage on Feb 14, 2022 - 05:20 AM.
Frankentri 5.8/5.5/Inter20
Aerow trimaran foiler
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We think alike... Sort of.
I fished out another cheek block out of my parts bin, and will be mounting it to the other side. Then I picked up a double block with a becket from The Death Star (aka West Marine), as my local chandlery did not have one. I was going to use the single downhaul swivel cleat as a 5:1, as I didn't want to buy another swivel as I am just getting tired of putting money into a boat I have not even had on the water yet. (I think I am nearing $1500).
But I like your idea of just using the other cam cleat for the main downhaul giving me a 6:1, and using a simple cam cleat for the jib.
Thanks for the ideas!
Bill Mattson
Prindle 19 "Gelli Bean"
Prindle 19 "Cat's Pajamas"
Nacra 5.2 (Will sail her a bit and let her name herself)
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The photos help a lot! The previous owner modified some stuff, but this explains some of the original fittings on the mast and how they are used. Only a 3:1 main downhaul? I don't think there is any way that would work for me, especially with an older sail.
Thanks again. I've looked at online manuals, but could not make out the photos. The photos in your link explain everything.
Bill Mattson
Prindle 19 "Gelli Bean"
Prindle 19 "Cat's Pajamas"
Nacra 5.2 (Will sail her a bit and let her name herself)
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Will cost nothing more then a few pop rivets as a Bullet cheek block is probably in your parts bin. Instead of a triple block there are surely three single blocks there too.
Actually a 8:1 with a third Bullet cheek block centered on the luff groove and two double blocks(one on each side of the tack) would be even better, as it is easily modified to 16:1 like on most F18s.
Actually a 8:1 with a third Bullet cheek block centered on the luff groove and two double blocks(one on each side of the tack) would be even better, as it is easily modified to 16:1 like on most F18s.
Edited by revintage on Feb 14, 2022 - 02:49 PM.
Frankentri 5.8/5.5/Inter20
Aerow trimaran foiler
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True, only is the one pulling the strings knows how to use it. Otherwise, upgrading is a waste of time and money. On my 19, we built a 24:1 and used it as a finetune mainsheet. We took the cleats off and my crew played the downhaul constantly.
Prindle Fleet 2
Prindle 18-2 Mod "FrankenKitty"
Tornado Classic "Fast Furniture"
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