Fleet 204 has been helping set up the Camp’s 15-20 Hobie Cats for the past several years each June. Their boats are an assortment of older donated Hobies. Parts are mixed and matched so the counselors can have a working group of boats for the summer. As in the past, we offered to have their Counselors join us again on Oneida for a training/sailing session on “race-ready” Hobies. A very enthusiastic group of Counselors were happy to attend. Although they have a wide range of sailing experience, they had no trouble acclimating to well-tuned boats and pushing them to their limits with a little guidance from Fleet 204’s well-seasoned sailors. Once the weather cleared and solid steady wind filled in, all the boats left the beach and stayed out a solid 2+hours. Burgers and dogs off the grill afterwards capped off the event. Fleet 204 will host this energetic group again next year!
~Bob Longo, Fleet 204
To learn more about the Sherrif's Camp, or to make a donation, check out this website:
~~ ( copied by popeyez7 from :: Oneida Lake Association Newsletter

~ Vietnam Vet 69-71~ 17 Hobie w/big jib, ~18 Hobie mag,~DN Ice sailor,
and other toys.......
~~ I live in NY state on the north shore of Oneida lake in
Bernhards Bay. ~~~~~~