Looking for new sailing gloves
- Rank: Lubber
- Registered: Jun 18, 2023
- Last visit: Jun 18, 2023
- Posts: 1
Looking for suggestions, currently have some harken reflex gloves that have fallen apart. I crew on a Nacra 20 and need something that can handle the wear and tear of that spinnaker sheet. We go fast. :) -
- Rank: Mate
- Registered: Nov 22, 2012
- Last visit: Jan 27, 2025
- Posts: 419
When I raced the Tornado competitively, I burned through a pair of gloves every other race. I had a pair of Ronstans that lasted about 4-5 years. I forget what I have now, but Blackburn Marine can give hands on experience guidance if you call them.
Prindle Fleet 2
Prindle 18-2 Mod "FrankenKitty"
Tornado Classic "Fast Furniture"
Prindle 19 "Mr. Wiggly"
Nacra 5.8 "De ja vu"
Nacra 5.0
Nacra 5.8
Tornadoes (Reg White)
-- -
- Rank: Mate
- Registered: Oct 24, 2006
- Last visit: Jun 21, 2023
- Posts: 160
I have a Nacra Carbon and have had other 20' boats. Also raced on the CFR20, which is the hardest boat on gloves EVER (burned through a brand new set of Harken Black Magic gloves in 17 miles).
The best sailing glove made IMO was the all leather Gill pro gloves. As good as they were, I would still kill a pair in three days distance racing. Sadly, they went to synthetic and the first two generations were pretty weak. The most recent ones (new this year) are pretty good. The black material wraps around the tip of the finger and further down the palm.
First generation of the post leather glove gets an F, second generation gets a D, third (current) gets a B so far.
Musto, Mustang and Rooster all three have gloves that I might try.
All my comments are on full finger gloves, 3/4 gloves are for road bikes and lifting weights, NOT sailing. -
- Rank: Mate
- Registered: Sep 01, 2002
- Last visit: Nov 30, 2024
- Posts: 797
Oh! This brings back memories of the old Yahoo group... Harper and the Sailing Glove saga...
As of late, I have gone with these - seem to work pretty well.
John Schwartz
Ventura, CA