I have read plenty about why not to have sail slides, but on my trimaran with a topping lift it would be handy. My old N5.2 sail fits this boat almost perfectly. How would I go about adding slide cars? One per batten I assume, but the batten pocket cap won't have enough clearance to add a grommet directly at that point. Any ideas?
See a sail maker. I once had a 28 ft monohull that I had the main converted to full battens. It was done the simplest way, that is, the grommets were right above or below each batten pocket. There are more complicated ways to do it but it worked fine. If you decide not to do it, get one of those mast feed devices from Murrays Watersports. It consist of two stainless steel balls mounted just below the mast feed and it guides the bolt rope in and works great. A topping lift on a mainsail that has a lot of roach has to be kept pretty loose when sailing otherwise the ends of the upper battens sometimes get hung up on it. If the topping lift slapping around on the sail doesn't bother you, fine. But you can put a section of shock cord along it's length just tight enough to keep the topping lift snug but loose enough so that the battens can get by it when you tack. Typically, the topping lift is a plastic coated wire that terminates a couple of feet above the boom and then there's a piece of small line for adjustment that goes from there to the end of the boom. Add the piece of shock cord alongside that small piece of line. When you're sailing the piece of line will appear a few inches slack but will be ready to hold the boom when you release the halyard.
This gets tricky... you'll want a high-load or two at the head. A high load at each batten and then a standard slide in between each batten. Typically, the sail will be built to have a grommet at each location with the slide sewn with webbing. There are batten cap slides (get pricey), but if you don't use them, the sail can bind up going up or worse, coming down. Over time, the slides wear and stick in the track. You will still have to spray the track with McLube or similar. I assume you are looking to add this to the Tramp. I typically suggest using a Strong Track, but the back edge won't support the system. Luckily, the sail is small and you'll just have to work on getting the sail down.
I'm familiar with the Tramp and have worked as a sailmaker for many years.
-- Scott
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