The latest is an all new system for posting events like regattas, distance races etc., some of the features. I need volunteers to test it out with real 2025 events. Ideally members who have posted calendar events before, but anyone with a real 2025 catamaran related event list would be a great help. I want to populate the new calendar with all the regattas and beachcat events possible before launch.
If you can help, send me an email to and I'll email you back with the details and instructions. Thank You.
Here's a preview of features for the new calendar.
- Nice event display, multiple views available, works on mobile.
- Front end submissions, any member can submit events. New events queue for approval.
- Venues and Organizers are stored once created, so for future events they can just be selected from the list.
- On the event detail page, the venue section includes venue name and detail plus a Google Map and Current Weather.
- Event QR Codes
- Add to Calendar links to add to your personal calendar.
iCal Export
Google Calendar
Outlook 365
Outlook Live
- Social Media Share for events.
Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN
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