Anyone have any ideas on how to remove glue residue. I am in the process of removing whats left of the side rail carpet, tried a spatula or putty knife and that just scratched the aluminum. Anyone?
The standard thing to try for adhesives is heat from a strong hair dryer or commercial heat blower, be careful, you could cook the fiberglass.
There are also some excellent adhesive and epoxy removers available in the paint department of your local hardware store. I used a product called Goof Off to remove very old hull stripes, if you let it soak on your residue, it might work. http://www.thebeachcats.c…pictures&g2_itemId=11256
I agree with Goof-off... this should work. Just expect lots of elbow grease...
The main ingredient in Goof-off is xylene. I have used pure xylene to remove contact cement and even epoxy where my centerboard tape goes. WEAR GLOVES... this is BAD STUFF. i even wear eye protection and a resperator (paint filters)...