Are homemade sails a real possibility if I can't find any cheap set of sails for my Hobie 18 that fit a small budget (college student). I have had some experience fixing and making smaller sails but a mainsail this size would be challenging. I have also looked at getting a set of sails from other classes that could be cut to fit, such as an older A-class mainsail.
If I do decide to make my own sails on a small budget, I would use a 5.2 oz poly material used for barn curtains. This is dirt cheap in this part of the country and others have used it and had some success. Any advice is appreciated.
edited by: yellowhulls17, Sep 23, 2008 - 01:38 PM
Homemade Sails
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I don't have to worry about being class legal as the Hobie 18 fleets around here have condensed into open catamaran fleets. -
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Barn Curtains? Mooooooo....
I would look at, they sell pre cut sails and you do the stiching. I dont recall seeing sails for Hobie 18's but maybe they can make them. -
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I did check sailrite, but wasn't very impressed with the prices. These "curtains" are a heavy duty material like windsurf sails. Just wondering if it would work well if designed correctly. I know the material would probably stretch over time, but for how cheap the materials are ($1.19 per foot) I don't see what there is to lose.
I would use fiber tape to build the sails as well, not stitching. -
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If you have ever tried to push a needle though a sail... you know how hard that is. Sails are tough, if I am not too far off.. on a ten mph day, a 30 foot sail will have about 3000 lbs force against it. When I was a kid my brother and I took one of my mother's sheets and tried to hold it like a sail while we rode our skateboards. The sheet did great for about thirty seconds... then it ripped in two.
One of my sailing friends who has a Sol Cat.. had his sail rip in two on a turn...
Sails are a little expensive... but compared to an outboard motor... it is a deal!
Mine are alright... only someone who owned it before me did a crappy job of painting a rainbow on it... would I love to have white sails? You bet.
Saving pennies, saving dimes... working till the sun don't shine...
edited by: Deepsees, Sep 26, 2008 - 06:53 PM -
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You are probably right. How would another sail of similar dimensions work on the Hobie 18, such as a Nacra 5.0 or old style Tornado sails?
I wouldn't think performance would be too affected, possibly better performance depending on the sails.
What does everyone think? -
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You can get a brand new main sail for the Hobie 18 from from
for $550.
Used sails are hard to come by and a decent quality used genuine Hobie main would go for almost that much. You might try calling Whirlwind and see if they have anything used/demo/returns/repairs that could be cheaper. Tell Chip Buck that sent you.
Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN
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if you get sails designed for other boats... you will need to modify them, purchase or cut battens and the results may or may not be good... If i were you... save up and buy new sails from Chip... he makes great sails... new sails have improved performance and will be cut correctly for the specs of your cat....