Greetings all,
This is my second post for my new 86' Prindle 19. The tramp is in pretty good shape except for the brass grommets, the grommets are beginning to crumble. Questions, what is a good way to remove existing grommets and where can I find good replacement grommets I can install. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
Prindle 19 trampoline - need to replace grommets
- Rank: Lubber
- Registered: Sep 25, 2008
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i am not a grometteer (yes i just made that word up).. but in MHO... i would take it to a professional to handle. It seems odd that more than 1 would fail at a time to me... i would guess the fabrick is breaking down and may need replacement.
If you dont agree you can purchase kits at -
- Rank: Lubber
- Registered: Nov 17, 2002
- Last visit: Apr 08, 2012
- Posts: 25
Since the grommet's metal was deformed to make it hold tight to the vinyl, I imagine it will have to pryed up (risky - might damage fabric) or cut. A local canvas shop might give you advice. I took mine to a local shop for a few grommets and new hiking staps... I had two tramps done (H16 and H18). $50 cash! including the 2" straps for both, with sewn-on loops to hold down the straps in two places.
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