Here is a winter project for all those sailors who have a hard time stepping their masts by themselves. Out here in the midwest, we get-r-done. I hope this will help give some direction on how to setup a mast step system using a ginpole and the winch on their trailer. Check out Beachcats Technical under Photo Albums.
Andrew you still have me beat. Not only is spin a four letter word, my girlfriend sheets out the jib at every puff and wave...I'm suprised she hasnt furled it when I wasnt looking...and forget it on a breezy day...when she stops looking at me I know shes I do my best Tom Hanks impression "There's no crying in sailing!" Then promptly head for shore. We also keep "crybaby M&M's"..its amazing what chocolate can do to ease a girls She loves the suntan days, and I love bikinis...
I agree here, but my last girlfriend did not like the flying a hull/ possibility of flipping.
The 5 mph wind days were nice though...
I might need to try the chocolate idea
You're much braver than I am
If I said that, I would have to swim back to shore
As far as Brave...she just read this, now I'm typing with one hand and defending with the other...
She will, in her defense (and in my tail tucked position) follow on those windy days taking pics and fixing lunch..all before heading back to help de-rig the boat. She is a great supporter of my love of sailing and has spent countless hours by my side. We are both water boats, kayaks, fishing etc. So commonality is there...just not on windy days
My last girlfriend went sailing with me twice, the second time in 20 mph winds, 4 ft waves, and we about pitchpoled (with her being thrown off the boat about 15ft away)...needless to say she didn't go back out with me sailing. Admittedly bad disgression on my part, but that sailing day still kicked ass
LOL... glad to know it wasn't just my sparkling personality (and yelling.. "NOT THAT LINE" "SHEET OUT" & "THATS NOT IN") and just me that has these problems. lol. I do know some girls who sail in big air. they even have their own catamarans... and they rock... but they are a rare breed.
My last gf used to try to sunbathe and nap on my boat... that only works till you need to tack... in the end we just decided it was best if she didnt go.