in the last few days you may have noticed that the first ad in the category by PreSailedParts was displaying the logo

If you read the ad you'll see that this is actually a store within the classifieds. This first storefront is by one of our active parts dealers Dave Myers (formerly TrtlDave). The store ad has it's own url
and all the ads by PreSailedParts are visible with the simple url
to make it easy for Dave to promote his store.
Since the classifieds have become THE place to buy and sell used beachcat parts there are many regular sellers who always have ads running because they have made a side business of buying and selling parts.
It is now possible for these dealers to establish a visible storefront in the classifieds which will give them "name recognition" and allow them to post multiple ads without paying for each one.
For the dealers, having a Parts Store? inside means you benefit from the great search engine placement of the site. Place an ad for "Hobie 18 Blocks" and in a day or two you end up being number one in a Google search for "Hobie 18 Boom for sale". That's a valuable place to be if you want to sell blocks.

For more details see
Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN
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