I recently added a Nacra 6.0 to my fleet of sailboats.
The guy before me never flew the chute. The boat is
set up with a jib bridle (wing style) without a spinnaker
hole. I have seen pictures on the web with a simpler
bridle system which has a hole (support) for the spinnaker
pole. Is it possible to rig a spinnaker pole with the wing type of bridle?
Spinnaker setup on a Nacra 6.0.
- Rank: Lubber
- Registered: Mar 11, 2009
- Last visit: Mar 12, 2009
- Posts: 1
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- Registered: Jan 14, 2004
- Last visit: Jan 26, 2025
- Posts: 878
Yes it is, but I recommend that you do not. The 6.0 with the bridal foil (know as 6.0NA) doesn't need a spin, IMO. I suggest you sail this boat for awhile before trying to add a spin. The beauty of the 6.0NA and the 5.8NA is that the large jib makes these rigs deadly fast down wind once you figure out how to dial in and trim it to the sweet spot. If you are dead set on adding the spin, you might consider doing away with the foil and converting to the traditional bridal setup, as this eliminates the known problem of getting the spinpole high enough when mounted with the foil. Spin boats are the future and they are fun, either way you go, that being the case, consider buying a boat that was designed with a spin.
edited by: mummp, Mar 12, 2009 - 11:56 AM
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