I've been a monohull sailor for 35+ years. When I was about 16 I sailed on a Hobie 18 and always wanted one. A few years ago we went to the dark side (sold our 26' MacGregor and bought a power boat). As a reconciliation I got a Hobie 16. I wasn't sure it was the right boat for me - our total payload is pushing over 800 lbs. However, I found one for the right price and even when the boat is overloaded it has been fantastic (often I dump 2 people on shore and just sail with 2, which helps). I don't know that I'll keep it forever but I am really happy that I didn't sweat the size. I like that it is small enough that I can "manhandle" it on and off the trailer. I'm still figuring out the tuning and rigging but it is a really fun boat, and I haven't even had it up on one hull yet - I think I've only been out in 10-15mph or so winds (inland lake sailing so wind is all over the place).
The first time I went out I was slightly terrified. The water was COLD so I didn't want to dump, yet I had no idea what I was doing - I was just applying what knew from sailing monohulls and adding what I'd read about cats. I was by myself, although a buddy was sailing his mutineer on the same lake. I launched first and after at first being afraid I was going to run around or run into his boat (the winds weren't cooperating for launch) I got the boat turned around and SHOT across the lake. My buddy said he looked up and saw me getting on and the next thing he knew I 1/2 way across the lake. I never did get the main all the way up, and I'm sure the mast rake was all wrong. Even with all that it was a good time! Since then I've taken delight in sailing circles around my buddy in his Mutineer, even when I have all my family on board.
I still eyeball the occasional 18 I see for sale, but for the price I'm happy where I am. Just some thoughts for those of you lurking and thinking of getting into a cat.
Edited by alanmoor on Oct 16, 2015 - 11:34 AM.
A message for those thinking of starting Cat sailing
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Thanks for sharing your experience. Sometimes we lose site of the fact that the most important thing is to get a boat and go sailing! Figure out the details later.
What lake are you on? Is there much season left?
Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN
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Yup! Love my Hobie but kept my mono just because I've got too much into her and couldn't get a fraction of it back. Still makes a good camping boat. But the Hobie makes me remember I'm alive!!!
Big Bear Lake, Ca.
1990 Hobie 18 Worlds
1988 Mac 26Dagger
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I mostly sail on Brookville Lake in East/Central Indiana. However, I recently discovered Summit Lake that's a few miles farther, but it is idle speed limited. This makes for a cleaner lake, and less people (and it's a nicer park). I'm waiting to get pulled over for exceeding idle speed though!!!!
I played hookie yesterday and a buddy and I took his Mutineer out. I wish I had taken the Hobie - wind was 13 gusting 15+. That was about all we wanted on the Mutineer, but would have been fun on the Hobie.
We'll have a little time left on the lake, but the water is at 63 degrees so a wetsuit or shorty might be in order before long.
Edited by alanmoor on Oct 21, 2015 - 10:54 AM. -
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It isn't just the monohulls. I spent the season on my Prindle 18 after years of sailing a Stiletto 27. At first, I truly regretted my decision. After a season of being on and off the water in minutes, and really getting back to fast paced sailing, close to the water, I really have enjoyed sailing the small cat much more. I'm still looking for another Stiletto 23, but I'm done with big boats for at least another 5 years.
Peyton Adair
Prindle 18 classic
Hobie 17
Hobie Wave
Wichita KS