I have the itch to get back on the water.
Boat is in good shape minus paint issues and front tramp.
Prev. owner regularly added some ablative anti-fouling but first owner added some hard antifouling coat, which is brittle and coming off over time, taking the newer coats with it. Plan is to go back to gel-coat, Have to see what stripper / method works best and leaves the gel-coat intact. Suggestions here are very welcome.
Front tramp: Prev. owner placed a solid vinyl tarp on top of the old, raggedy net-tramp. Now the stitching came undone / ripped. I guess the yarn chosen was not overly UV resistant. I hope to find a way to reuse the mounting outline of the original tramp, or have a new one made.
Maybe... I'd even attempt to make my own. I've welded vinyl tarp before but do not have equipment for sewing.
Trailer just got some new lights and grommets - still have to wire a few things up.
Front supports are big Murray cradles, rear old dual rollers. The 21SC is heavy and I hope to come up with a solution that adds better support in the rear. Also want to add a better stop in the front the cross-beam can be pulled up against (maybe a T with two stoppers).
Oh, and I have to work on winterizing the cat and part properly.
At least the mast is down and sails & rudders are washed and inside already.

Edited by diewurst on Oct 11, 2019 - 02:17 PM.