When I tighten my beam straps in the 5.2 to 18 ft-lbs the tramp track squeezes down making the end caps not fit. It's there a torquing procedure to prevent this or do I need to make some ~9/16" plugs to insert in the track and prevent the deflection? I'd prefer to not shave the caps down as they likely worked when the boat was new.
FYC, Nacra 5.2 "Chris's Flyer" & Nacra Playcat & Farrier Tramp
Previously owned: Trac 14, H14, H16, H18, N5.0, G-cat 5.0
NACRA end caps won't fit
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The assembly manual says to install the end caps BEFORE tightening the beam straps, precisely to prevent the noted problem.
Step 7/8 in the assembly manual, where you install the straps & chips, “ Do not completel tighten the bolts at this stage.”
Step 12/13 instruct for the front trap cords - THEN install beam caps & tighten.
You can’t really shave the OEM caps to a smaller diameter, that would remove most of the rim that keeps them in place.
Edited by Edchris177 on Sep 04, 2022 - 02:40 PM.
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