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Better Winds at Hobie 16 North Americans

Added by damonAdmin on Jul 29, 2005 - 03:32 PM
Ventura provided the best wind of the week on Thursday at the Hobie 16 North Americans topping out at about twenty knots. Four races were sailed ending the Semi-Finals. On Thursday night the Gold and Silver fleets were announced at the classes traditional Cut Party. Friday is the final day of the event. The Silver fleet is scheduled to race in the morning and the Gold fleet will sail in the afternoon.

Going into the last day it is a foregone conclusion that the event winner will come form Hobie Division 13. Division 13 includes Puerto Rico, Mexico and Guatemala.

Figueroa/Figueroa Leads Hobie 16 North Americans, Ventura, California (CA)

Added by damonAdmin on Jul 28, 2005 - 02:37 AM
The race committee has eased up a bit on the schedule today running only three races. This ensures that all of the teams have had an equal number of races at the end of the day as we get towards Friday, the last day and the Gold fleet finals.

Enrique Figueroa an Olympic Tornado sailor from Puerto Rico sailing with his wife Carla is still in the lead. Figueroa is working towards his fifth North American Championship in the Hobie 16 this week. Family teams and couples teams are the norm in the Hobie 16 class and it’s very common to see one of them on the top of the score sheet.

The provided boat format of this year’s event has brought some top-level international competition to the North Americans this year with competitors hailing from seven countries.

Hobie 16 North Americans, Ventura, California (CA)

Added by damonAdmin on Jul 26, 2005 - 01:00 PM
It was a late day on the water with the final race of the day ending at 7:30. After waiting for wind all morning racing finally got started at 2:30 in the afternoon. The wind built slowly throughout the day and each group got in one race with double trapeezing conditions at the end of the day. Each team sailed two races today with four races total.

Defending champions from Mexico Armando Noriega and Roderigo Achach are off to a good start and lead the series. Americans Kieth Christensen, a three time past champion, and Kristen King are in second.

The favored team from Puerto Rico, Enrique and Carla Figueroa jumped the gun at the first start but managed to salvage a 15 after re-starting. They were second in their second race.

There are lots of young teams at the top of the field this year. Juani Maegli and Christina Guirola from Guatemala came to California directly from the ISAF Youth Worlds and are presently in seventh place.

Hobie 16 Youth and Women's North Americans after 5 Races

Added by damonAdmin on Jul 22, 2005 - 04:29 AM
The second day of the Hobie 16 Youth and Womens North Americans had some welcomed breeze. After a light wind first day, with only one race completed, the fleets had a building breeze that peaked at close to twenty knots late in the afternoon.

With one day remaining Jason and Charles Hess from Guatemala are dominating the Youth fleet with five bullets in the first five races of the series. These young guys are the top team from a competitive fleet and are likely to be right up there in the Open Championship next week. Last years Youth Champions, Mike Siau and Trey James (NY), are in second place going into the last day.

After a slow start Annie Nelson (CA) and Kathy Kulkoski (NJ) have taken the lead in the Women's fleet. It appears that the increased wind was a bit more to their liking. The pair won race four and five today.

Hobie 16 Youth and Women's North Americans

Added by damonAdmin on Jul 21, 2005 - 12:51 AM
The Hobie 16 Youth and Women's North Americans got off to a slow start today with an onshore postponement due to a lack of breeze. After a morning of frisbee on the beach the racing finally started at about three in the afternoon. One race was completed in a five to ten knot Westerly.

In the youth division Jason and Charles Hess from Guatemala have won the first race and take the early lead. Judy Nasmith and Vicki Ulibarri won the first women's race.

2005 Scandinavian Tornado Camp, Stockholm, Sweden

Added by damonAdmin on Jul 20, 2005 - 02:29 PM
Account of this years "Tornado Camp" held in Stockholm, Sweden in conjunction with a mixed fleet multihull regatta known as "Liding Rundt". Story by Rolf Nilson, pictures by Stefan Boman

Eight Tornados attended, 5 from Sweden, list member Heine Foss from Denmark, two times (?) Tornado Olympian Hannu Jarvela from Finland and one boat from Norway (us). The plan was to do some training on friday, participate on the major regatta "Liding Rundt" on saturday, and another training session on saturday. Monday was a holiday in Norway, and this suited us nicely as we had 900km to drive home from Stockholm.

Friday started with a briefing and intro session held by Martin Strandberg (sailed T's both in Sydney and Athens, I think he also participated earlier with Mats Nyberg..). He shared quite a bit of information in compressed form, so all were listening with ears perked. Then we went on the water, and the weather gods blessed us with sun and around 8m/s of wind. Launching at "Ranangen" boatclub was 'interesting' as the ramp was framed by all kinds of obstacles (buyous, rocks, weed, piers etc). But everybody handled the advanced launching routines without to much drama. My crew fell between the bows, and hit the bowsprit full on with his forehead. Thank god the bowsprit wasn't damaged, but he sailed the rest of the day with a blistering headache. We did some initial speed training, with Martin trying to keep up with the T's in a coach boat, before we did some start procedures and one lap races. Obviously, Hannu knew how to make a T fly under those conditions.

Footnote: This sounds like a great format for other beachcats to use for training!

Round Texel 2005 Results, Tornado Sets Record, Hobie Tiger Wins.

Added by damonAdmin on Jun 11, 2005 - 03:16 PM
New all-time record set by Tornado!On Saturday June 11th 2005, Wouter Samama and Jeroen van Leeuwen (NED) broke all records during the 28th Zwitserleven Rounde Texel Race. They sailed their Tornado within 2 hours, 11 minutes and 11 seconds around the island. That was about 19 minutes faster than Van Teylingen/Manuel in the 1997 race and Bouscholte/Van Wieren at their attempt in 2003. According to the provisional results, Mischa Heemskerk and Sander de Boer won on handicap with their Hobie Tiger.

Many drop-outs

Participants had a tough day, due to the heavy conditions. During the briefing at 8:00 AM hours, the north-northwest-wind wind was already force five. The direction in combination with the high surf claimed many victims. Boats capsized by the handful, which resulted into lots of damage to the equipment. Among them were favorites for the victory, like Xander Pols and Sven de Laaf with their M20. Last year’s winners, Team Zwitserleven Booth/Dercksen, turned over as well and cracked the inside frames of their brand new carbon hulls. The damage was too serieus and therefore they could not start the race. Booth: "Of course we are disappointed, but what happened belongs to these kind of events. It was close to the limit." Half of the 547 subscribed teams withdrew prematurely. Finally, 247 catamarans finished. Paralympic sailor Thierry Schmitter completed the race as well.

Washing Machine Conditions!"The party broke out"

Samama and Van Leeuwen did not go through the surf undamaged, but they were able to repair their broken tiller before the start. They started high on the line. Samama: "We could go over everybody and reached the light house in first position." The team hit the ground before the VC-mark and damaged their rudder. "We tied it. Our leg towards Oudeschild was extremely fast, after which we saw nobody anymore. I looked at my watch at the southern point of the island. We still had 45 minutes left to break the record and we only needed 20. As we entered the beach, the party broke out. Super cool!"

Five minutes later, Mischa Heemskerk and Sander de Boer crossed the finishline as second team. De Boer: "Remco Kenbeek and Paul Brouwer were just behind us, until they capsized close before the VC-mark. At that point, there were two Tornado’s in front of us, but Eduard Zanen took in his spinnaker earlier. We passed them, after which we tried to stay as close as possible to Wouter and Jeroen." The Nissan Hobie Pro Team won on handicap. Eduard Zanen and Willem Houwing from Texel finished third.

Footnote: Sounds like it was a rough ride for a lot of folks, hope Tony came out ok on the FX1.

Team Kearns/Burns Wins Texel Dutch Open 2005

Added by damonAdmin on Jun 10, 2005 - 02:05 PM
On Friday June 10th, the British youth team Simon Kearns and Ben Burns won the Texel Dutch Open 2005. Due to a collision before the second start, the Dutch title seemed to be gone, but the boys received redress (compensation in points for prejudice to sailors). The same happened to Repeat Team Willem Geijsen and Rico van Capelle (NED) with their Capricorn. They stormed into the second position, followed by TNG Team Rikkert Graat and Daan Koene. In contrast with the last two days, there was a strong wind from the north. Rain showers crossed over, the current increased and the waves built up. Many competitors of the Zwitserleven Round Texel Race tested their equipment for the big race.

Rikkert Graat and Daan Koene scored today’s first bullet. Koene: "We won because we were the smartest. The whole fleet choose for the sea-side and we went to the coast, where we took advantage of two wind shifts." Mischa Heemskerk and Sander de Boer won the second race.

Trouble for the winners

"We have a big hole", says Kearns in front of the protest room. "We were waiting on the starting line as a Tornado hit us." Jan and Arnoud Schrama (NED) tried to pass the British Hobie Tiger from behind, but they crashed into the hull. The British sailors protested the Dutch Tornado and received redress. Kearns and Burns had to get used to the heavier conditions during the first race, which resulted into an eigth position. Although it is their first appearance on the Texel North Sea, the youth sailors won the Texel Dutch Open surprisingly.

Team Pols/De Laaf Dominates the Second Day of Texel Dutch Open 2005

Added by damonAdmin on Jun 10, 2005 - 01:14 PM
M20-team Pols/De Laaf dominated the second day of the Texel Dutch Open with two victories. The British youth sailors Kearns/Burns finished third twice and maintained their overall lead. Jorgen Kerstens and Paul Smissaert (NED) are still in second position with their M20, followed by Repeat Team Willem Geijssen and Rico van Capelle on a new Capricorn (F18). The north-west wind increased during the morning until force three with a blue sky. The strong current caused many black flags.

Xander Pols: "This weather is amazing and Peter made us a very special sail." The M20 of Xander Pols and Sven de Laaf is equipped with a Maxx Multi Axial Fabric sailcloth of Contender. Sail-maker Peter Vink of Performance Sails: "It is composed of sixty percent carbon and forty percent kevlar and the surface is seamless. As a result, the forces can be better focussed on the fibres, which causes a more stable sail." According to De Laaf, the tension on the mainsheet and the position of the boot require the greatest care: "But then we go like crazy." Jean-Louis and Jacqueline Flier could follow them closely in the first race. Jean-Louis Flier of Repeat Sales Promotions, sponsor of the Round Texel: "We had a good start at the pin-end. We were off in first position. Xander caught up on us, but we could stay close to the other M20." A second place was the result. "And first F18", adds Flier.

Chaotic second start

The start of the second race passed off chaotically. After two general recalls, the black flag flied on the starting vessel. Daan Koene: "Many teams were again too early over the line, which caused another general recall. Not everybody managed to be back on time, due to a strong current. We had a port start, which came out well." Rikkert Graat en Daan Koene finished with their Capricorn behind Pols/De Laaf.

Calrm Start for the Beginning of the Texel Dutch Open

Added by damonAdmin on Jun 10, 2005 - 12:17 PM
On Wednesday June 8th 2005, the Texel Dutch Open started calmly. The north-north-west wind was weak, while the sun was shining. This afternoon, 53 teams started in the official Dutch Championship Catamaran Sailing 2005. The British F18 youth team of Simon Kearns and Ben Burns leads the fleet after two races. Jorgen Kerstens and Paul Smissaert are in second position with their M20, followed by Jan and Stuart Visser on a iF20. At the end of the afternoon, the cats were surfing the rolling waves in the light conditions on their way back to the beach.

Youth team Kearn/Burns in the lead

Kearns (20) and Burns (19) called today’s conditions ‘tricky and unpredictable’. Luck was one part of it, but you also had to keep your eyes open, says Kearns. The boys started with a bullet and are leading the fleet after day one. It is their first year on a Hobie Tiger in the Formula 18 class. They participate at the British catamaran training program for youth and started on the Hobie 16. They won silver at the 2004 Youth Europeans Hobie 16 with spinnaker in Belgium. Last weekend, the young sailors finished second in the Island of Wight Race. Kearns: We were leading for five hours and they got us in the last 1,5 mile. They have no specific goal for their first Zwitserleven Round Texel Race on Saturday June 11th, but they do have an ambition: It would be great to finish among the big names. And we are looking forward to the start, since we have heard a few stories about that.

Footnote: Good Luck to all of this years participants, especially Tony Mels, our intrepid reporter on the scene.

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