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Catamaran sailing forum, classified ads, news, repair tips, and sailing pictures.

Welcome Catamaran Sailor!
Whether you sail a Hobie Cat, Prindle, NACRA, Inter, Tornado, or any of the other beach catamarans you are welcome here. TheBeachcats.com is the largest and most friendly online sailing community devoted to the catamaran sailor. Since 2002 over 35,000 beachcat sailors have have registered accounts and hundreds of thousands of others have found help and information.

Take a look around, it's easy to create an account. After you receive the activation email and activate your account you will have access to the members features of the site.

NOTE: New registrations are manually moderated and approved. If you don’t receive your approval notice within 24 hours please use the contact form to let me know you are not a spammer and should be approved. 

  • Participate in the catamaran forums
  • Create your own photo albums
  • Add events to the calendar
  • Contribute catamaran links

Damon Linkous